Current Thoughts
A recent article in a local magazine called the The Voice of Lakewood, really irked me. It was a very cutesy article, that basically starts off by mentioning these 2 rather odd missionary ladies that march up and down Clifton Ave in bright red costumes and take turns screaming about the gospel Lhavdil. The article then goes on to say how different we are, in that we avoid sticking out and drawing attention to ourselves., and launches into still another diatribe about Tznius.
While, I realize that the schools, Seminaries, and homes need to shove Tznius down your throat ad-nauseum and ad-infinitum. Whenever there is a lady’s shiur in town, if you can call it that, or a gathering for the “Nashim Tzidonius” aka “The herd of docile cows”, it seems that is all that is addressed. That is irritating in and of itself, but I feel that this article crossed a line. Instead of taking this as an opportunity to point out the basic differences between Yiddishkeit and Lhavdil other things to us mere girls; the article chose instead to go into detail about not wearing red garments or attracting attention to ourselves.
It starts off by informing us that missionaries are lurking around looking to prey on innocent, vulnerable, ignorant people, but instead of arming us with the valuable info we so desperately need to deal with this threat and confront it head on, the author, instead uses it as a springboard for still another excuse to talk about hemlines and colors.
I know that many of you are thinking, that these miss. Ladies are just mishagoyim (lunatics). First of all, I highly doubt that they will successfully convert any frum Jews in Lakewood, however, even if it results in a having a momentary thought of confusion in your head that is a very serious sin. If I am not mistaken, even more severe then wearing a denim skirt. The 13 Cardinal Principles of Faith, as set down by the Rambam and others applies to men and women, equally. In fact, if you don’t know them clearly, it is tantamount to apikorous, R”L.. Secondly, 95% of American Jews are completely ignorant of their faith, and you are bound to run into one of them one day, at work, on a train, a doctor’s waiting room, the mall or what have you and you need to know how to speak intelligently about this..
Recently, I was in Brick library, near Lakewood, where I encountered two very attractive, charming young ladies .From the distance they looked exactly like Frum girls. Once, I was face to face with them, I realized that they were Christian missionaries. I thought that I knew Tanach, pretty well, cause like I learned tonz of it in High School and Sem.But these women really gave me a run for my money and made my head spin.I was left at a loss for words.
I realized from this incident, that while everyone is telling me what color stockings to wear, how to walk, how to talk, how to sit, what type of hemline and neckilne to shop for; no one is providing me with the crucial info I need to be able to defend my faith in this age when we are bombarded from all sides constantly.. It is very imperative that I have this vital knowledge for myself, as well as to disseminate to my friends, fellow students at college, people that I meet that I meet from all walks of life, and eventually, B’ezras Hashem, bkorov (with G-d’s help very soon) my own children..
To my dear teachers, I know that you think that Lakewood is a wonderfully, insulated, sealed bubble. Well, like HELLO !!, its really not.
In other news, as the new school year begins, it seems that 80 girls were not accepted into the local elementary and High Schools. While having lunch with my father at a local eatery last week, I witnessed a heated debate . . Many of the ‘tzadikim’ (SIC) in our fair town , don’t want their daughters in class together with girls who come from homes with a TV, secular magazines, OU-D products, mothers who wear short sleeves, or perish the thought, Hashem Yraheim, fathers who don’t wear white shirts. It would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so tragic. What is really ironic, is that I have witnessed firsthand, some high school-aged daughters of these very outraged fathers, in local libraries viewing websites and chatrooms, that most decent , Non-Jewish parents would not want their children in, as well as, hanging out in some rather inappropriate places. If these parents, would instead sincerely, be concerned about all the “yiddishe kinderlach” in our ‘wonderful’ community , they would have the Siyata D’Shomaya (heavenly assistance), that their children would not be doing the aforementioned things. These are not only my thoughts, my father heard this firsthand from his Rebbeim.
B”H, Reb Elyashiv and Reb Steinman, may they continue to be well and strong and guide us with their wisdom, came out with a ruling that no schools are to open until all the girls have a place to go to.
Let us hope, that this matter is resolved quickly, and all the misguided souls are granted the Daas or intelligence that they so desperately need..
While, I realize that the schools, Seminaries, and homes need to shove Tznius down your throat ad-nauseum and ad-infinitum. Whenever there is a lady’s shiur in town, if you can call it that, or a gathering for the “Nashim Tzidonius” aka “The herd of docile cows”, it seems that is all that is addressed. That is irritating in and of itself, but I feel that this article crossed a line. Instead of taking this as an opportunity to point out the basic differences between Yiddishkeit and Lhavdil other things to us mere girls; the article chose instead to go into detail about not wearing red garments or attracting attention to ourselves.
It starts off by informing us that missionaries are lurking around looking to prey on innocent, vulnerable, ignorant people, but instead of arming us with the valuable info we so desperately need to deal with this threat and confront it head on, the author, instead uses it as a springboard for still another excuse to talk about hemlines and colors.
I know that many of you are thinking, that these miss. Ladies are just mishagoyim (lunatics). First of all, I highly doubt that they will successfully convert any frum Jews in Lakewood, however, even if it results in a having a momentary thought of confusion in your head that is a very serious sin. If I am not mistaken, even more severe then wearing a denim skirt. The 13 Cardinal Principles of Faith, as set down by the Rambam and others applies to men and women, equally. In fact, if you don’t know them clearly, it is tantamount to apikorous, R”L.. Secondly, 95% of American Jews are completely ignorant of their faith, and you are bound to run into one of them one day, at work, on a train, a doctor’s waiting room, the mall or what have you and you need to know how to speak intelligently about this..
Recently, I was in Brick library, near Lakewood, where I encountered two very attractive, charming young ladies .From the distance they looked exactly like Frum girls. Once, I was face to face with them, I realized that they were Christian missionaries. I thought that I knew Tanach, pretty well, cause like I learned tonz of it in High School and Sem.But these women really gave me a run for my money and made my head spin.I was left at a loss for words.
I realized from this incident, that while everyone is telling me what color stockings to wear, how to walk, how to talk, how to sit, what type of hemline and neckilne to shop for; no one is providing me with the crucial info I need to be able to defend my faith in this age when we are bombarded from all sides constantly.. It is very imperative that I have this vital knowledge for myself, as well as to disseminate to my friends, fellow students at college, people that I meet that I meet from all walks of life, and eventually, B’ezras Hashem, bkorov (with G-d’s help very soon) my own children..
To my dear teachers, I know that you think that Lakewood is a wonderfully, insulated, sealed bubble. Well, like HELLO !!, its really not.
In other news, as the new school year begins, it seems that 80 girls were not accepted into the local elementary and High Schools. While having lunch with my father at a local eatery last week, I witnessed a heated debate . . Many of the ‘tzadikim’ (SIC) in our fair town , don’t want their daughters in class together with girls who come from homes with a TV, secular magazines, OU-D products, mothers who wear short sleeves, or perish the thought, Hashem Yraheim, fathers who don’t wear white shirts. It would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so tragic. What is really ironic, is that I have witnessed firsthand, some high school-aged daughters of these very outraged fathers, in local libraries viewing websites and chatrooms, that most decent , Non-Jewish parents would not want their children in, as well as, hanging out in some rather inappropriate places. If these parents, would instead sincerely, be concerned about all the “yiddishe kinderlach” in our ‘wonderful’ community , they would have the Siyata D’Shomaya (heavenly assistance), that their children would not be doing the aforementioned things. These are not only my thoughts, my father heard this firsthand from his Rebbeim.
B”H, Reb Elyashiv and Reb Steinman, may they continue to be well and strong and guide us with their wisdom, came out with a ruling that no schools are to open until all the girls have a place to go to.
Let us hope, that this matter is resolved quickly, and all the misguided souls are granted the Daas or intelligence that they so desperately need..
Well said, SG. Too much emphasis is often place on defining ourselves as "more frum than X". It's total BS - in these times, klal yisroel needs to band together even more to be a "light unto the nations"- not worry so much about what fabric one wears or the color of it.
semgirl stop complaining and start dressing naked on the street of lakewood who is holding you back???
if thats what you want to dress like the shiksas go ahead dont eat yourself daily
i do what i want in BP and noone is telling me what to do
Bravo, Semgirl!
What a terrific, well written post!(And your grammar and spelling are much improved.)
I think you should plaster this up all over Lakewood as a Kol Koreih.
The position of Rav Elyahiv shlit"a and Rav Shteinman shlit"a is yet another example of what sets the Gedolim apart from all the ketanim running around.
and y.y., Y do you have to be such a noodnick??
cloo jew
im telling her to do what her heart pleases how is that noodnik????
While I agree with your assessment that instilling fundamental knowledge of Jewish beliefs should take precedence over ingraining narrow behavioral patterns, I don't think you can criticize the author of that article for taking a wrong turn on his focus. An article is like a blog- the writer can choose a springboard to write about whatever he or she wants.
That being said, as far as the main crux of your argument, you state, "I highly doubt that they will successfully convert any frum Jews in Lakewood". Based on everything I've read here, it sounds like there are quite a number of dissafected frum people in your community that would be quite susceptible to missionaries. You do a great job in your post pointing out that this threat needs to be taken seriously. Perhaps you need to look into expanding organized anti-missionary efforts to your community. After Hatzola, Chaverim, and other groups fill up their quotas, they'll be other Avreichim looking to get involved in protecting the community.
Whether in ultra-frum communities or the unaffiliated it is difficult to have our education revolve solely around anti-missionary work. There are so many facets to a Jewish education, that you can't have every school excel in every area. Are our school's a failure because we don't leave as experts in Tanach and all of Shas, masters of Sevara and basic exogesis, steeped in philosophy and Hashkafa, while at the same time pious in our accomplishment of Mussar and Middos improvement? Every Jew values some slightly different aspect of our heritage; we can't focus only on one, so our schools try and give us a basis in all. Could they do better? Possibly. But can we ask them to drop everything and just teach us to fight missionaries? That would leave us with a nice fortified wall, but with quite an empty city within. I think that a basic awareness of the missionary threat and their tactics would be more than enough for any Jew who knows what treasure he already possesses.
Great post! It was well worth the wait.
I totally agree with you on the first point. I actually had a similar reaction to the same article. I was like this lady is so crazy to take something like missionaries and like think the difference between us and them is that like our girls don't wear red. Shows in what a bubble so many of our elders (and sadly some youngsters too) are living.
About the school issue, while I basically agree that the problem with schools is major and it's about time someone took it seriously, I don't think you can lump a father who (gasp!) doesn't wear a white shirt with a family that allows full acess to TV, movies, internet, etc.
Though I am writing this on a web log, I admit I don't know if I'd want my daughters to have unfettered acess to the web, which I know of families who allow it. Besides the issue is so not whether it's right or wrong. The issue is that if hundreds of families are trying to live one way, why shouldn't the one family be a mentch and tolerate that and agree not to come in and spite them all. I don't think this can be compared to familes with different tznius levels, socks or tights, white or blue shirts, etc.
So like my thoughts are mixed on this one. Shalom.
a white or blue shirt has nothing to do with tznius (and according to elders i've asked) had nothing to do with it untill very very recently. (but i've quite frankly had enough about compaining about the way tznius is now for the moment)
about the missionary things if you read hebrew well, and can find a copy of kisvei ha'ramban look up the dispute in barcelona. it is also published in english under the same title, and is an excelent example of how to use knowlage of torah to twist missionaries heads in to pretzles.
(it also makes excelent spare time reading, as it is relatively light and fun to read)
that said i think you're complaint about the people not going to school is beautifull. we are told that the kinderlach should not be prevented from going to school even to build the bais ha'mikdash (and i had a rosh yeshiva who would hold school even if there would only be 4 students that day. he loved that passage.)
Have you ever thought of reading the NY Times in order to get your news? My God...anyone who thinks orthodox people are insular and self absorbed has only to read this post.
Second..good thing you went to yeshiva and seminary and couldn't best two shiksas on why jeezer is the messiah. Says alot for 12 years of education. I've had great debates with J4Js and christian missionaries all my life...have you ever heard of Aryeh Kaplan's book on how to debate a missionary...or is that on the no no list of what you are able to look at?
I used to be frum's really come to this?
"Sounds like there are quite a number of dissafected frum people in your community that would be quite susceptible to missionaries.--Josh"
I, lulei demistafina, don't think so. Dissafected frum people become secular not Christian fundamentalists. We all know people who went off the derech. Does anyone know somebody who grew up frum and then converted to Christianity?
I personally think that debating missionaries, J4J, the ba'hai, et al, is a spectacular waste of time. The Ramban only did it because he had to. And then the threat was real. But even in the past, most people who converted of their own volition did so for purposes of social mobility, not because they believed in it.
Anyway, this post is really not about warding off missionaries. It's about the focus of the schools. Yeshiva and Bais Yaakov students SHOULD have the answers to these challenges and certainly should at least be familiar with the psukim being quoted.
To turn everything into a tznius-a-thon is unfortunate.
"To not allow a child to play with a child because their parents have a tv or a computer is absurd.
Not really. Playing, lulei demistafina, the devil's advocate role (because I'm not sure how much I believe this argument myself), one could certainly hold that exposing your child to other children who have television only invites it into your child's world, albeit second-handedly. However, sometimes that's worse.
I went to elementary school with the son of a prominent Rosh Yeshiva. He had payos and no television. When he came to my house, all he wanted to do was watch TV--particularly "I Love Lucy" (we were nine!).
He is no longer a frum Jew. Ad hoc ergo propter hoc?
Fact is, if you don't want your children exposed to television, you don't want them going to school with kids whose parents think it's okay to be exposed to it. It would be an admission of "eilu ve'eilu"--that TV is not SO bad, just that some families don't happen to have them. That's not the same message as telling your kid that TV is 100% Glatt Treif.
You may not agree with the premise, but the conclusion is sound.
They're not condemning it. They're simply keeping their children away from it
...or so they think.
i personaly dont think it's ok to tell kids that tv is one hundered percent "glat treif" because quite honestly it isn't and there you are setting up a fence for nothing.
however TV is a bad influence, and it is irresponsible to alow kids to use it to excess or to watch not tzniusdik shows. perents in all honesty have to teach their kids to be accountable thats all.
bifemme: i really didn't have a clue what that rant said at all -.-;; and i've hardly watched tv in my life. probably because i only watched it when there is something i want to watch, but there is nothing on these days that i really am interested in so i haven't watched regular TV in like 8 or more years. if you don't watch TV to kill time (CHAS V'SHALOM!) then you really haven't got a problem.
If missionaries were to approach me I'd try to stay away from hem, but if this wouldn't be an option I know I wouldn't start a debate with them, ‘cause I’m realistic enough to k,now I'll be out-knowledged.
While you may have learned some Tanach, 3 years in Yeshiavh Ketana and I didn't get further than Yehoshua.
"Schools shouldn't tell parents what to do. Trust us to know what's appropriate for our kids."--Tova
The schools are not, lulei demistafina, telling parents what to do; they are simply deciding the makeup of their own student bodies. The parents who want TVs are free to start schools that are TV-friendly.
Having said that, I will say this: Schools are there to educate the kids, not to follow the whims and dictates of the parents. I come from a long line of educators, and I can tell you that while the school system isn't perfect, the parent body is far worse.
People who don't want the schools to educate their kids the way the SCHOOL sees fit, can find another school or, heaven forfend, homeschool.
Thanks Yosefab.
When things quiet down in email, I will respond to the rest of the comments..
Thank you..
but a school or system that has a kind of "monopoly" on a certain area would have an obligation not to just make bullying and blanketing statements no?
Tova, No one told you to live in Flatbush.
If your child's education is that important to you--and it should be--move. Chinuch for your kids should not be the main factor in choosing a community, it should be the only factor.
First, there's Monsey, which has at least two elementary school yeshivos with a broad (for Orthodoxy) spectrum of kids. Neither one forbids TV, thought they both discourage it.
Second, if Monsey is too frum, there's Bergenfield and the creme de la creme of elementary school yeshivos--Y.N.J.
If there were enough parents who felt like you do, the schools would be there. And if they're not, it's up to the parents to build them. It's so strange that people blame "the system" when there's no Jewish Board of Education setting curricula for the schools from on high.
Excellent post.
Look I don't know why you insist on remaining in such a messed up place. Would you want to raise your kids amongst such idiocy? What ties you to Lakewood? You're an adult.
why not find all the perents who have to do the two-faced thing and ask them to figure out a middle of the road school? mabye there are enough to fund one. we do find in perkei avos does teach that if there isn't anyone reputible than you should strive to be that way. (the if there are no men then strive to be a man comment)
Tova--the hypocricy you describe ("do this when you're not in school") is most pronounced, lulei demistafina, in the communities where people won't leave despite the chinuch issues.
Darn shame, that.
As for your contention that "there is a BJE," please direct me to their offices--I'd love to pay a visit. But trust me, it ain't Torah Umesorah.
Elster, where have I stated "opinion as fact"? Okay, so maybe YNJ isn't the BEST school out there. But it's pretty close.
Unfortunately, for most, lulei demsitafina, that attitude won't work. Children don't respect hypocricy. I see many of these kids growing up into the same empty shells their parents are.
Perhaps, they will do away with the shell also and then be available for kiruv!
I've been very moved and concerned by your last few posts and have even wanted to write a post of my own inspired by them. I'm overwhelmed by work and family stuff right now, so I'll just offer a short comment, (lulai demimoore).
You're picking up on a lot of emphasis in your community and your life on suppressing the physical and the sexual, especially among females. IMHO, perhaps this is because you are at a stage where you are "finding yourself" in this area, which is (or should be) a normal part of human development. People should be able to feel good about themselves, even celebrate it. That a group of mostly men have made suppression of these feelings their number one priority leaves me to wonder what hidden issues they're struggling with. This "tznius" thing seems to have turned into a very untzniusdike fetish.
You make me think of people like "Elky and Frimcha" on the one hand and "Shtreimel" and "Hasidic Rebel" on the other. The former decided that they want a different life, but did it too soon in life, without a full education, too young to work or make legal decisions. The latter locked themselves in with home and family and can't easily change. You, on the other hand are at a perfect time. Girls your age are typically away at college or preparing for a life on their own in some other way. They're experimenting with lifestyle, dress, philosophy, etc. You, on the other hand are trying to express yourself a little, but back off at the last minute. You gou out with men who appeal to you but turn them away because you're afraid of what your dad will say. SG, this is your moment, you will never get another one quite like this one. What do *you* want from life? How do *you* want to dress? How sexual do *you* want to be? Do *you* want to marry now? Do *you* want to date? Whom do *you* want to date or marry?
Personal story: When I graduated HS, I went on to local college. My father told me that he expected me to go to "bet midrash" by day. I signed up for one, knowing that they wouldn't let me go to college for a year, when they found out I was going, they suggested that I find another. I went to the next place and they insisted that I go to college only two nights a week and stay at a night seder the other two. I had no real interest and wasted days there and also didn't get much studying done. It wrecked my grades in college and took down my self-confidence for a long time. Eventually, I started playing hookey from yeshivah and was asked to leave. I then signed on to a place that studied from 9-1, though my parents tried to pretend that I was going 9-5. Lost interest in that too and eventually became a full-time college student, paying my own way. Bottom line, had I not been so nice and said from the start "I've had enough of yeshivah, I want to live my way", it would have saved everyone a lot of grief.
So give it some serious thought. You're an adult now with adult opportunities. You can get a job or take out a student loan. This may be the last time in your life that you can make decisions without the obligations of husband and kids. Make the best of it.
Shanah tovah
Sounds to me, lulei demistafina, that you're missing the point.
You draw a straight line from two girls who couldn't change their lifestyle because of age to two men who couldn't do it because of wife and kids.
But you are assuming that girls like Semgirl are looking to "experiment" and make changes in violation of halachah.
That's not the case here, nor is it, lulei demistafina, for the bulk of yeshiva guys and girls. They simply want to understand what the rules are and where they come from. They want to understand them better, because they believe in those rules and want to live their lives according to those rules.
I'm certainly not talking about everyone (loc cit. Bleemy). But I believe Semgirl will correct me if I'm wrong about her.
(demimoore! you're a riot!)
i think cloojew is right here, and in addition, sometimes people don't want to scrap the system, or yes they want to expirament alittle but only with in the confines of halacha. our current black and white rules concerning teenage boys and girls are, in my thoughts, one of the biggest reasons for the number of boys becoming frei today. not to say they should allow them to do anything they want, be we should allow our teens to figure out how they "fit" with halacha, and where the standards need to be set for them.
sorry, long rant
Right on.
I just got back from the gym and set next to two guys in the locker room--one a chasid and the other a frei Israeli with tatoos. When the chasid had left (wishing us both a gut voch), the Israeli turned to me and said, "You know, I grew up just like him." He was a product of Kiryat Sanz.
It's unfortunate that the middle ground, lulei demistafina, is so shaky.
Limey, tznius is very nice and important. I don't think that men focusing all day on tznius for girls is very tzniusdik. If the men would focus on general ruchnios, like maybe then everyone would be more kadosh and more tznius. But if the men like all day talk about ladies clothing and fashions this is so untznius and brings down kedusha, so like maybe that's why things aren't so good on the tznius front.
I totally agree with CJ and HNC that Ben is off track. Most of the youger crowd today is rejecting the rigidness and hysteria of some of our teachings, not the whole thing. We (or at least I) so appreciate Torah living and stuff, just want to know how it is supposed to be done for real, not to make somone else feel good. If it wasn't for you Ben, okay, but lots of others are just looking for a stable middle.
HNC, CJ & Elisheva, SG *is* experimenting. There's a world of behavior and thought that SG is struggling with which has nothing to do with violating halachah (and some that probably does). The specific example I cited is her rejection of a guy she liked based on what (she thought) her father would say. Where in halachah does it say that an adult woman must marry the guy that (she thinks) her father wants her to? Re-read my post. Lulai defacto, all I was saying is that she has the right and obligation to think for herself, not for her father and certainly not for me.
Of course, the "middle ground" is shaky, because people like you have been conditioned to group everything but "the right" together as a universe of depravity and corruption, the more to suppress any independent tendencies in people.
BTW, lulai degeneres, "bleemie" is not a real person. It's a fictitious 'blog intended to parody real people who are struggling with (or have struggled with) real issues, to paint them as boorish hedons and porno fiends. To "pooh-pooh" the real concerns of people like SG, and you Elisheva.
That maybe true about the actual Bleemy blog. However, there is a real girl behind the blog. She emails me daily and we are very close. She is totally different than her blog.
Ben, for a nineteen-year-old to be concerned with what her father--who is older and hopefully wiser--thinks, does not negate "independent" thinking.
I also don't believe, lulei demistafina, that people are as scared as Tova thinks they are. There's nothing wrong with taking community and family mores into consideration when making decisions. I do agree, however, that one must draw the line at damaging her own neshama--e.g., by going to an "inferior" school--in order to protect the "reputation" of younger siblings.
I can tell you for a fact that I have attended certain yeshivos, which while making me a better Jew, also destroyed some very promising shidduch opportunities. Oh well.
In terms of being overly machmir--there is that problem of Chava and the snake. He convinced her to eat the fruit because touching the tree didn't harm her like she thought it would. There can be, lulei demistafina, slippery slopes. But not all chumros are.
The key to a real syag is whether it protects you from the hole or just creates a larger hole to fall into (bsheim Rav Shimon Schwab, zt"l)
Rav Elyashiv guides us with his wisdom bla bla bla
I have no respect for a man who sold out 10,000 jews of gush katif just for bribes from that fat pig sharon for his yeshivas.
p.s. I live in Lakewood.
CJ :
Thanks I didn't and probably wouldn't if you didn't point it out..
Could you please refrain from talking against Gedolim on my blog during Elul..
"Gedolim" is relative. But i shall respect your wishes.
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limey..with all due respect, you obvioulsy don't know my father and his companions .. A day does not go by without him criticizing what I am wearing, how I walk, how I talk.. etc...
We now have the same problem in Stamford Hill!
Here's what I made of it!
Limey, He's your gadol hador and hes your posek hador. No chabadnik, (most) sefardi or (most) dati leumi or even most chasidim or that matter consider him that. And besides I thought Judaism is about worshipping God, not learned old men.
Ok … catch up day..
Elisheva: Maybe I wasn’t clear. The point that I was making was that TV is clearly not the same as short sleeves and blue shirts, but if you aren’t concerned about all the girls, INCLUDING the TVs, you wont have Siata D’Shomaya for your own children..
CJ: You are totally on target once again..
Real Me: Sounds like you live in a small Collel town with all model Yungerleit. What happens when your community grows beyond and some families are only 99% Glatt. Do you tell them to send their children to PS.
TB: All the power to you. I hope it works out for you.
HNC: “Find all the parents doing the two-face thing” Easier said than done.
Tova: I agree with you totally.. Call a girl “bummy” for wearing a denim skirt, and listening to American music on the radio. And she will become BUMMY with a N-Jewish BF in a N-Jewish place..
Ben: To be fair, it wasn’t a Shidduch-date for marriage . Do I agree with my father, seldomly. But he still has the right to be concerned about this..
No one is talking about worshipping old learned men, just speaking with respect.
Its difficult to respect someone who seemingly sells for political revenge.
Lets be honest here, its either R elyashiv or his advisors who are egging him on . Why did he join sharon's gov. while knowing full well that sharon had a majority to further his sinister plans?
It looks like pure political revenge against the religious zionist party for snubbing aguda and joining up with shinui ( a plague on all of the above).
in Hebrw we say. Gam hem yecholim lesachek politikaim ketanim.
I dont believe in conspiracy theories.
It is clear to me as day that people who are very close to R elyashiv absolutely despise the religious zionists (efrati who tries to atone for his past sin of being a mizrachinik) To me its a simple equation. That having been said ,it is possible that the Rabbi was misled by said advisers.
steven, i think sem girl kindly wants you to stop spreading lashon hara, and or motzei shaim ra. (aka stop putting people down!)
i know its easier said than done, and its really sad. to bad we cant just do that
I'd love to sit around a fire with a guitar and sing kumbaya with EVERYONE. But the sad facts are there are certain people in certain circles who are responsible for a great amount of heartache and suffering caused to thousands of Jews over the last months.
Exactly, and the greatest amount of sorrow and heartache comes as a result of Loshon Hora, especially if it is about Torah Scholars..
"there are main stream schools, then there are the 100% glat schools. "
Thats my point..there are schools to accomodate ppl who think they are 100% Glatt and there are Schools for the rest of us.. In Lakewood there aren't.
that's really sad. there should be a school where every one can go. as long as they all teach you to get along with each other.
(ahavas yisroel)
Fortunately, I am way past School age.. But I am still concerned about the children being pushed out.
I met a lady the other day, whose husband is one of the biggest baalei Tzodoka I know.
Their son is currently attending PS in Freehold, because no one would take him..
That is, lulei demistafina, very sad.
Why is PS better than Shalom Torah Centers?
it happened to me, and it does happen often, i know certain chassidic rebbeim had to actualy order the roshei yeshivos of their schools to accept people even if they didn't have enough, and to find money to compensate for what they don't pay.
No, actually I was very serious, TB. And its not a money issue, as they are quite wealthy. They are simply from the old school MO crowd. So, there is no longer a place for them . She doesn't always cover her hair and wears short sleeves, so none of the schools accepted him.
Actually, I thought of Shalom T Schools, as I was writing my last comment. I don't know, I only had a 5 minute conv. with her.
Elster, that is an amazing and scary thought.
Sorry to play the outsider, but I'm confused. Is the crisis that there isn't enough room in schools, so otherwise eligible students are turned away by full enrollment? Or is the problem that Machmirdike schools are being overly zealous of who does and does not meet the criteria for admission, thereby leaving out absolutely frum people who just happen to know who Kanye West is?
The solutions are absolutely different.
That actually is, lulei demistafina, a terrific point.
SemG, take a look at Why The
Jews Don't Believe In Jesus and you will be able to answer them =)
Thank You very speak.. JS
wow! kudos to you for getting 90 now 91) comments on your post.
i don't think it's wise to engage in debates with missionaries. this is what they do - this is what they're trained for - so they'll be armed with specious arguments and a lot of quotes that are hard to counter unless you're extremely, extremely learned.
re mixing kids from diff types of homes in classes - i understand why people want to shelter their children, but i'm considered that we're becoming more and more narrow minded, judgmental and insular. the "middle of the road" of years past seemed to be more sane and workable. but i guess everyone thinks that where they are is "normal".
they also now seem to think that they are the only acceptable norm...
Thanks ThinkingJew. Am I the only one who is going to ask the tough question- In a community built around learning in Kollel, is anyone surprised that there isn't enough money to just create or expand the schools?
New schools are a lot more expensive than squeezing more kids in old schools. With most of the population relying on learning stipends for sustenance, with possibly just some part time work to round out their diet, the problem won't be so simple to solve. And also explains why for many, the alternative is public school, which is free, rather than busing to other communities. Jewish schools are burdensomely expensive, even to professional folk. I would think the Rabbonim would have to start sending out their Meshulachim to raise funds for new schools, or at least release some of their Avreichim to get jobs. You can't villify the scruples of a family who wants to be able to afford an education for their children.
Two side-points, as far as schools excluding those that don't meet rigid, unhalachic rules, that is their prerogative. If the Rabbonim in charge feel that it adds to the Chinuch they provide, then that is their opinion. Hopefully, they are taking into account the future of those they exclude. But those that don't meet the narrow rules have choices - the ability to adopt the strictures, or found new schools. I would think that the Rabbonim that ban them from their own schools might actually encourage them, if for no other reason than to keep those kids away from their own.
And TJ, I'm not familiar with the term "Askan." I assume it's somebody who's Osek B'Tzarchei Tzibur. Why do you keep referring to the Askanim that don't do anything? Why aren't you an Askan?
isn't a person who follows "un-halachic" chumros considered an "am ha'aretz"? forget where that is from but it's certainly powerfull words on behalf of chazal about this kind of thing.
(just remembered, it's in artscrolls midrash says, i think in lech lecha but i'm not sure)
Lakewood is, lulei demistafina, no longer a simple kollel town. It is full of baalei batim, some of whom are extremely wealthy (some of whose wealth came from buying up real estate in and around Lakewood), so I'm not sure that wealth is the problem.
Is that accurate, semgirl?
CJ.. When I saw Josh's comment an hour or so ago, I was thinking that very thought..
My real life rudely intruded, so you beat me to it..
You are absolutely right..
That is a scary thought then, if there is enough finances theoretically for a new school, and yet one still seems beyond the horizon. Are people afraid that if they start a new school, their kids won't get good Shidduchim? In addition to money, starting a new school takes great leadership. Are they so short on this in Lakewood?
Limey and anyone else on that topic:
The joke is that at least if you have it in your house, like your father could just put on special softrware, to at least see every email, IM, chat, or BLOG (sic) you have wrote..
Whereas, all the girls (and boys) are in the libraries in the aternoon using the internet with total hefkerus.. And me and most of my friends have laptops with cell-modems. So, like either say OSUR..OSUR completely and force the good and semi-good ones to rebel or come to terms with living a Yiddishe life in the 21st century..
While they face, lulei demistafina, an uphill battle, I think we need to show a bit more reverence for these Rabbonim.
No one can deny the dangers of the internet. Just read this blog and you see how many men hit on semgirl and elisheva. These girls seem to be able to handle themselves, but we all know that there are others who can't or don't.
The internet is the perfect venue for young Jews, who would otherwise feel too awkward to approach the opposite sex, to start relationships that can lead them to sin or other troubles.
Granted, a ban in the home won't stop what goes on in the libraries, but it's a start and sends a strong message to parents to be careful.
I think it would be a good idea for some of the parents to get on the internet and do some surfing, visit some blogs, just to get a sense of what it's all about. So many people over a certain age who haven't been exposed to computers are clueless about what they're used for. I've mentioned the word blog to many people who all ask me what it is.
Okay, wow! SG, congrats on the great discussion and over 100 comments.
The school prob is def not money. I don't understand why others don't like open new schools.
I will admit the internet has pretty bad stuff. Thanks CJ for your vote of confidence for me and SG, but there is alot I don't show on my blog. While I don't think banning it will work or is necessarily advisable, I think it would be much smarter like to just educate parents and everyone about what is and isn't out there, and like how to keep on top of where your kids are surfing and stuff.
At the risk of sounding, lulei demsitafina, like the right-wing nut of the group, what exactly do you hope to accomplish by "educating" the parents?
The fact is that the internet is a dangerous place. Even if parents were made aware of all its benefits--which I'm sure most of them are already--it doesn't mean they will be able to stop their kids from going to unwanted sites and starting unwanted "friendships."
Monitoring them is an exceptionally difficult task.
cloo - re educating the parents - i think the benefit is that then it's demystified...the parents and kids share a frame of reference. if they can discuss it rationally and the parent can say i prefer you stay away from such and such..., at least they're sharing a vocabulary and they know what they're talking about. i can't think of a really good analogy (my brain is foggy from lack of sleep after a late wedding last night), but it's somewhat like the parents who read the Harry Potter books along with their younger kids so they understand what all the fuss is about and can "get it" when they mention dumbledore or muggles. as you say, they can't be monitored 24x7 and if they want to get access they will find a way, but i think that if the parents discuss it with them (and know what they're talking about), the kids may think twice.
If the town follows its rabbanim and you don't want to be that strict, you have to find yourself another town or risk being an outcast, lulei demistafina.
I don't know why people would move to Lakewood and then complain about the religiosity (fair or otherwise) of the place. It's like moving to Florida and then complaining about the weather.
From Casablanca
Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?
Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
Captain Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert.
Rick: I was misinformed.
Unless one was misinformed about the strictures of life in Lakewood, I don't understand the complaints (except from the kids--who were born there).
Mata, Your argument (which I hear, and agree with for the most part) harks back to the old inoculation vs. avoidance argument. In other words, you can't blame your kid for drowning if you never taught him to swim.
Sometimes, however the waters are so treacherous that teaching them to swim is not enough. You have to fence it off completely. I'm not sure that the internet qualifies, but I certainly understand those who do.
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CJ - that's fine, if it works - but from what i've seen/read here, it seems that there is no way to fence it off. I think that being an ostrich is the worst thing a parent can do. Witness Semgirl's father telling her to wash off her makeup before her date (no offense to SG or her father who I'm sure is a lovely man) - but we're talking about a severe disconnect.
The disconnect is a huge problem, because it means that instead of a child accepting guidance from a parent, his or her reaction is more likely to be dismissive--"They just don't get me."
The most important goal of parenting is to be your child's hero.
why are they even trying to make fences they can't even try to enforce? if you make a fence that is so far out that people can easily either already be inside of it, or get inside, then what have you accomplished?
and more than that, how do they expect kids that are determined to break rules to follow them anyway? you have 2 (or three) groups, you have the kids with clean noses, you have the ones that get their noses dirty if you're hipocritical, and you have the ones who are going to shove their nose in the dirt no matter what you do. so, what is really the point in trying to make a ban ment for the last catagory, but in the end you're just making them break you're rules more creatively and hurting the rest? what have we really accomplished?
just my (worthless) two cents
HNC.. you are saying the same thing as me.. There are rebellious girls,that rebel for the sake of rebeling, mid of the road ones, that need to be pushed a drop, and very good ones.. With increasing Takanos that border on the imposible you force the good ones to rebel too..
sg, i noticed the comment about the thoughts of idolatry being a sin "even more severe than wearing a denimn skirt"
just to let you know, wearing a long denimn skirt is exceptionaly tznius, even more so than the provocative clothing most "tznius" girls wear these days. (that is if it is loose) there really is little better for masking lines that shouldn't be seen, plus if i'm not mistaken its comfy
therefore, wearing a "bummy" denimn skirt is a mitzah
just my two cents on that (as well as a total non-sequietor)
"why are they even trying to make fences they can't even try to enforce? if you make a fence that is so far out that people can easily either already be inside of it, or get inside, then what have you accomplished?"--HNC
Far from worthless, your point is the crux of all takonos--will they be followed?
If not, lulei demistafina, better not to make them.
I was told by a client who is a Satmar chasid that when the Satmar Rebbe, zt"l, first came to America, he wanted to ban radios (This was in the fifties. Imagine what he would think of radio today!), but he realized that it would be asking too much and people would own them any way. So he allowed them.
If people become comfortable ignoring their gedolim, we're all in a heap of trouble.
cj, elster, turqoise,
its semgirl's point, not mine.
sg: sorry for taking your point away and having them credit me, i should have said something.
"What do I know, I'm from Queens."--Elster
LOL. Elster, reminds me of the girl who said she would not date guys from out-of-town. Her father was upset because by "out-of-town" she meant Queens!
Schools have a right, lulei demistafina, to mandate policy. If parents don't like it they should build their own schools or not move into such communities. Nobody living in Lakewood should be surprised by this latest move.
Now if the rabbonim in Teaneck issued such a ban...
or what about others. who don't watch tv anyway because they decide it's a waste of time to do so, even though they had a tv in their house as a children and could have watched as much as they wanted? i'm like that, and i know others who are, they're very inline with the rules
halacha. these kids just arent interested in tv, and that only reinforces semgirls point. those who are going to do it anyway you cant stop with a blanket ban, and those you can dont need it anyway, you'll just be depriving them of the little bit of good it can do in the world
Um, I can't speak for SemGirl, but as for myself, no we don't have a TV at home. And yes I do ask many questions. I think it's my nature. I think some girls like just follow nicely without asking, and good for them, but some, like me, just can't.
But my conclusion is like different. I think the ones who grew up with unfettered acess to TV (and I will admit I only know personally a very few), truly do have less questions, but there is a certain innocence lost, which while it may be considered naive, I admire in a certain way. Like I think they ask less questions because they are much more cynical and don't really believe any answers anyway. I hope i am explaining myself.
You and I are pretty much on the same page vis-a-vis the underlying issues of the dangers of having or not having a tv.
However, lulei demistafina, your claim that the schools can't dictate what's going on in the homes misses the point. The schools aren't doing that. They're dictating who does and who does not come to THEIR school. The attitude is: Do what you want at home, but you can't come here because it will follow you and we don't want it in here.
These are all private institutions; it's their perogative to take in and keep out whomever they like. Just like it's my perogative not to live in a community where the schools are all like that.
As for your comment that "For every girl who grows up to be a 'perfect lakewood girl' there is a Semgirl or Elisheva who is asking questions," I consider Sem and Shev to be THE perfect Lakewood girls. They're the ones who appreciate their education because, lulei demistafina, they are digesting it, not simply swallowing it whole.
Thank you CJ, thats a very nice thing to say..
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